Some frequently asked questions you may have regarding the pan flute and the services offered by the International Pan flute Academy.

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The pan flute differs from other kinds of flutes in that it has multiple pipes. The pan flute is blown from the top, and each pipe creates a different note. This allows the piper to play a warm and rich melody. This is a pan flute with pipes of different lengths.

The panpipes or “pan flute” derives its name from the Greek god Pan, who is often depicted holding the instrument. Panpipes, however, can be found in many parts of the world, including South America, Oceania, Central Europe, and Asia.

The pan pipe was the first and only wind instrument I’ve seriously learnt to play, and what I found is that it is really easy to start creating a decent sound on it. You just need a little experimenting on the angle and velocity of your breath for each tube and you’ll be able to create music very quickly.

The pan flute is played mainly in Central European countries, such as Romania and Moldova, as well as in Northern and Western Europe. It is developing very strongly in Asian countries. International Pan Flute Academy, located in Belgium, offers you pan flute lessons at the academy, in a partner music school or online.